Hello and a warm welcome to my brand new blog,
to avoid any misunderstandings, my blog only covers my personal views and does not represent any of the projects or companies, I am working with or do consulting for. This is a strictly personal blog.
I have been working with radio, media and entertainment for more than 25 years and I have been reading a lot of different blogs about important issues for radio, media and entertainment.
The internet publishes much rubbish on these and many other issues.
This blog will be my contribution to sharing ideas, knowledge and publish my opinion on, where radio, media and entertainment is heading in the future.
I have been working with radio since the early 80´s and have been working for a great deal of small non-commercial and commercial community radios in Denmark, on commercial regional radio and on commercial nationwide radio. Now I am working as a advisor to broadcasters including DR - Dansk Broadcasting Corporation (marketing communications) on the roll out of DAB Digital Radio.
Furthermore I am heading two important and huge radio conferences. RADIODAYS DENMARK - a local radio conference taking place in Copenhagen on Saturday 2nd October 2010 in DGI Byen attracting 300+ professionals from danish radio industry. More information on http://www.radiodays.dk/
On 17th and 18th March 2011 I will head - with my fellow project directors Rolf Brandrud and Anders Held - the biggest radio conference in Europe : RADIODAYS EUROPE. More information on http://www.radiodayseurope.com/
... and on top of all this, I am studying Music Management at the Royal Academy Of Music in Aarhus. A two year education which will refresh my knowledge from being a record producer side 1989 with project selling 10,000,000+ CD´s with local and international artists.
Thanks for reading and I hope you will subscribe to my blog.
Copenhagen, August 8th, 2010
Christian Kjeldsen